The UBCAA Women Program

The United Bong County Association in the Americas, Inc. (UBCAA) Women Program Committee coordinates programs and activities that unite Bong County women and partners to celebrate women and girls’ achievements and address the critical issues facing women and girls in the community.

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The UBCAA Education Program

The United Bong County Association in the Americas, Inc. (UBCAA) Education Committee is responsible for developing and implementing all UBCAA education and related training programs. The Committee will consult with the principal education authorities in Bong County, Liberia, and devise programs and strategies to improve education and related training programs.

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The UBCAA Program and Planning Committee

The United Bong County Association in the Americas, Inc. (UBCAA) Program and Planning Committee coordinates all UBCAA’s programs and events that showcase the rich diversity and cultures of Bong County to our neighbors and friends in the community. Some important yearly events include the Annual UBCAA National Conference, Bong County Culture Night, and other coordinated partnership events.

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The UBCAA Empowerment Programs

The UBCAA Empowerment Scholarship Program (ESP) provides need-based academic or merit-based scholarships to disadvantaged students in our community.
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